I haven't been since this summer and just wanted to stop in to see if they have any cameras. I'm a sucker for old cameras of any type. I really wasn't going to buy anything, but the guy at the table by the door is the baseball card and toy car dude.
He usually has stacks of binders separated by sport, sometimes by card company. He has weird mixture of new stuff and old. Not too old, and priced too high for me, but I was still able to find some cool stuff for me and maybe others.
First off is this hologram card of Ted Williams.

It's sort of faded. I think the scan of it is better than the actual card.I wish they would do a card of him with his head in cryogenic freeze. Head on. Head off. I think it would make a good idea for a garbage pail kid spin off.

The sad thing is that the back has a better photo than the drawings on the front.
A couple of cards that I'm only mildly interested in, hopefully somebody else down the road will like these.

I don't know what to think of these cards: I'm sort of expecting to include some sort of memorabilia. It's called Absolute Memorabilia with a "Tools of the Trade" slathered all over the front and back of the card. I don't see any relics inserted in the card, just a photo of some pads, helmet and football. It's numbered to 75 and I don't know why.

A floating Shonn Greene. The writing is sort hard for me to make out. It sort of looks like he's listed as playing for the "Jebs". Neat card though.

I pulled one of these inserts in a blaster of chrome. I really like this insert. I had to get it, because it's a Packer and his nickname is "Bloody". Best name for a football player or a pirate.
According to the back of the card, McNally joined the Army after playing football to serve in WWII as a cryptographer in India and China. I only have two of these cards and they are numbered with the prefex "HR". For the life of me I can't figure out what the HR means. I'm assuming it has something to do with military service, but I don't know what. Hero, perhaps?

I'm not sure why they call this an "Artist Proof". I need to do some online searching to look at these cards. I know nothing of Mickey, except that he's from OKC and I covered his son last couple of seasons as a football player. Don't know either of them personally, but I can now check a card off of my "Baseball players with Oklahoma ties" list.
The guy was cool enough to throw in the packs of Stadium Club for free. He had about 6 more priced at either .50 or .25 cents depending on which sticker you look at.
I've heard about these, but never had a chance to buy any. It's nice to see this still in the wrapper. I wonder if there's gum involved? I'm wondering if I'll be brave enough to chew it? I chewed some gum from 2008 Heritage today. A little brittle but still good. Reminded me of those packs of Fortune Gum I used to buy as a kid. I don't know if that was the name of it, but that's what I called it because it had little fortunes wrapped up in the gum wrapper.

These cards are cool!!
I wasn't really following baseball in 1992 so I might not find many players that I recognize, so I'm not sure who I'll post up.

I'm just going to fall back on uploading photos of dudes with funny glasses.
This Mike Jeffcoat card is interesting.

Not so much for the grimace. Even though that is cool too....

.. but because the back of the card has a more recognizable (at least to me) Topps card on the back.

The obligatory posed batting shot.

.. another guy with goofy glasses.
After two packs that's about it for me. Too lazy to upload more, but they all seem to have random Topps cards printed on the back from different years.

It took me a minute to figure out why I liked this card. I think it's because of the sun hitting his face and front of his body really looks cool to me. Also the scoreboard in the background is kind of cool too.
I really think a blog with a "Scoreboards in the Background" sort of theme would be really cool. I'm hoping that if I bring it up enough in my blog posts somebody less lazy than me will actually do it for me. Preferably somebody with a huge inventory with cards. Maybe like a revolving door of dudes posting up their scoreboard in the background cards.
Maybe I should do it as a semi-regular theme on my own blog.
Anyway, that's it for the card part of the day. Later I'm going to post up the two cameras I bought. The only hint is that they're rangefinder cameras. And they're from weird companies I've never heard of.
You could start the blog and invite people to post ala pack a day.
Good idea!
Yeah I was thinking of doing the pack a day or a pack to be named later type of thing. I don't know how well it would go. I guess it's worth a try.
I was thinking of doing "scoreboard in the background" posts myself, but after a year, I've never gotten to it.
I like to answer questions, so I'll give it a go. The Artist's Proof designation on the 1994 Pinnacle card was a an approximately 1 per box insert. I think each card was limited to 1000 copies (unnumbered of course). This was done to compete with 1993 Stadium Club's First Day issue inserts, which also just had a foil box with the insert name. I might be right about this.
That's interesting Dan. I wasn't collecting then, so all this is new to me. Thanks for clarifying.
@night owl: I'd like to see your take on the scoreboard idea. Maybe I'll try to do one too.
The cards on the back of the Topps Stadium Club aren't random. The card on the back is the player's rookie card I believe.
Okay. That makes sense. I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for the info.
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